+88 01303 616741, +88 01783 502242

Physical address:
House-39/A, Flat-B3, Road-4/A
Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh

Tanvir Mokammel’s Books

In addition to his contributions to filmmaking, Tanvir Mokammel is also an accomplished author of many books. Below is a list of his published works.

List of Books by Tanvir Mokammel

  1. Chalachitra Nandantotto O Barojon Director” (Film Aesthetics and Twelve Directors) in Bengali, a book dealing with the film aesthetics of Griffith, Eisenstein, Kuleshov, Pudovkin, Cocteau, Dziga Vertov, Stroheim, John Ford, Jean Renoir, Godard, Rene Clair and Satyajit Ray, published by Anarjo Publications, Dhaka, 2019.
  2. Chalachitra Kotha” (On Cinema), a brief history of the world cinema, in Bengali, published by Anarjo Publications, Dhaka, 2020.
  3. Marxbad O Sahitya” (Marxism and Literature), a collection of essays, mostly literary criticism on different authors of Bengali literature, along with essays on Shakespeare, Antonio Gramsci and on alienation, 1985.
  4. Syed Waliullah, Sisyphus O Uponashe Oitijjho Jiggasha” (Syed Waliullah, Sisyphus and Quest for Tradition in Novel), a book of literary criticism on the novels and short stories written by Syed Waliullah, perhaps the most prominent writer among the Bengali Muslim community, published by Behula Bangla Publications, Dhaka, 2021 & Avijan Publications, Kolkata, 2015.
  5. Translation of Maxim Gorky’s play “Nichutalar Manush” (The Lower Depths), into Bengali, published by Viswasahitya Kendro, Dhaka, 1997.
  6. Charlie Chaplin: Bhabaghurer Digbijoy” (Charlie Chaplin: Triumph of the Tramp), in Bengali, on the life and craft of Charlie Chaplin as an actor and film-maker, published by Sopan Publications, Kolkata, 2017.
  7. Grundtvig and Gonoshikhsa”, a book on N.F.S. Grundtvig, the Danish pedagogist and on his theories of alternative education for the downtrodden illiterate people of the rural areas, 1997.
  8. Cinemar Shilporup” (Art of Cinema), in Bengali. A collection of essays on different aspects of the aesthetics of cinema, published by Anarjo Publications, Dhaka, 2017.
  9. Tanvir Mokammeler Probondha Songroho”, “Tanvir Mokammel’s Articles”, a collection of essays on literature and socio-political issues, published by Adam Publications, 2015, Lastrada Publications, Kolkata, 2023 & Behula Bangla Publications, Dhaka, 2021.
  10. Dui Nogor”(“Two Cities”), a novel on the backdrop of Partition of Bengal, published by Creative Dhaka Publications, Bangladesh, 2016.
  11. Behula Bangla O Onnanno Kobita” (Behula Banglaand Other Poems), a collection of poems, published by Anarja Publications, Dhaka, 2019 & Rito Publications, 2019 and Adam Publications, Kolkata, 2017.
  12. Bisadnodi”(The Melancholy River), a trilogy of three novels on the backdrop of 1947 Partition of Bengal, published by Behula Bangla Publications, Dhaka, 2021 & Dhanshiri Publications, Kolkata, 2020.
  13. Laloner Khonje” (In Search of Lalon), a book on Lalon Fakir, published by Anarjo Publications, Dhaka, 2020 & Sopan Publications, Kolkata.
  14. Keertinasha”, a novel on the backdrop of 1947 partition of Bengal, published by Anarjo Publications, Dhaka, 2016.
  15. Cinema Vabna” (Thoughts on Cinema), a collection of essays on cinema, published by Behula Bangla Publications, Dhaka, 2022 & Dhanshiri Publications, Kolkata, 2018.
  16. Vromonkotha” (Travelogue), a travelogue of Tanvir Mokammel, published by Behula Bangla Publications, Dhaka, 2022 & Lastrada Publications, Kolkata, 2023.
  17. Nodir Nam Modhumoti” (The River Named Modhumoti), a novel on the backdrop of 1971 liberation war of Bangladesh, published by Creative Dhaka, 2020.
  18. Bangalir Medha O Onnanno Probondha”, a collection of essays on literature and socio-political issues, published by Anarjo Publications, Dhaka, 2017.
  19. Tanvir Mokammeler Choto Golpo”,(Tanvir Mokammel’s Short Stories), a collection of short stories by Tanvir Mokammel, published by Behula Bangla Publications, Dhaka, 2021 & Raban Publications, Kolkata, 2022.
  20. “Tanvir Mokammel Ek Autuer Chalachitrakar” (Tanvir Mokammel: An Autuer Filmmaker), an interview based book on Tanvir Mokammel, published by Behula Bangla Publications, Dhaka, 2021.
  21. Chitra Nodir Pare” (Quiet Flows the River Chitra), a novel on the Partition of Bengal, published by Behula Bangla Publications, Dhaka, 2021.
  22. Tanvir Mokammel: Kichu Kajkormo, Kichu Beche Thaka”,an interview based book on Tanvir Mokammel by Siladitya Sen, published by Baichitra Publications, Kolkata, 2018.
  23. Ekattorer Antigane” (“Antigane of 1971”), a novel on the liberation war of Bangladesh, published by Anarjo Publications Dhaka, 2023 & Kubopakhi Publications, Kolkata, 2023.
  24. Jibondhuli”, script of “Jibondhuli” film by Tanvir Mokammel, published by Karukaz Publications, Dhaka, 2021.
  25. Khetmojur Andolon: Srenigoto O Rajnoitik Tatporjo” (“Landless Peasants Movement: Class & Political Perspective”), by Tanvir Mokammel in Bengali, published by Jatiyo Sahitto Prokashona, Dhaka, 1987.
  26. Gramsci, Lucas O Pashchima Marxbad” (“Gramsci, Lucas and Western Marxism”), by Tanvir Mokammelin Bengali, published by Jatiyo Sahitto Prokashona, Dhaka, 1991.
  27. NGO: Samrajyabader Pancham Bahini” (“NGO: Fifth Column of Imperialism”), by Tanvir Mokammel in Bengali, published by Jatiyo Sahitto Prokashona, Dhaka, 1987.


In addition to his extensive number of books listed above, Tanvir Mokammel has authored articles on different socio-political issues, poems, short stories, book reviews, translation works, theatre and film criticism in different newspapers and journals both in Bengali and in English.